Septic Tank Cleaning
Septic Installation
Septic Repairs

Buffalo Septic Corporation specializes in septic cleaning, installations and repair work. With over 20 years in the field, there is no problem that we can't diagnose and fix. We are your go to for any needs you have. We also will take the time to answer any questions you have, and we will educate you about the logistics of maintaining your septic system. Often costly repairs and new replacement systems can be avoided by regularly pumping your septic tank, and avoiding certain harmful items. We also offer private septic inspections for people looking to buy a house, leach field rejuvenation, and line snaking. So if you can't flush call us today!
- Septic Tank Cleaning
- Leach Field Replacements
- Sand Filters
- Septic System Repairs
- Absorption Trenches
- Septic Pumps
- private septic inspections
- Leach Field Rejuvenation